The Sixth Volume of Winston Churchill's War Speeches
First English Edition
Cassell and Co. [London]
Biblio: (Cohen A223.1.a) (Woods A112aa)
8vo (338 pages, with frontispiece and five internal photographs)
Hardcover in Dust Jacket [Light blue cloth]
Item Number: 120
Collector's Guide
Victory was the sixth volume of Churchill’s collected World War II speeches (covering 18 January-16 August 1945). The last eight months of the war are here: Yalta, the United Nations, the death of Roosevelt, the German surrender, VE-Day, the Atomic bomb, the surrender of Japan and, finally, the General Election that throws Churchill out of office. Churchill’s speeches were collected and published yearly throughout the war in both the U.K. and the U.S.
This is a beautiful copy of the Second State of the First English edition (per Cohen), in a lovely, unclipped dust jacket with a few faint rubs and creases. The book is virtually mint, the contents fine.
First State copies of this title lack the numeral 1 on page 177. Second State copies have it.