A Speech Delivered by the Rt. Hon. John Morley, M.P. together with a Speech delivered by Mr. Winston Churchill, M.P. on May 13th, 1904, at Manchester.
First Thus
The Liberal Publication Department [London]
Biblio: (Cohen D8) (Woods Db25)
8vo (20 pages, stapled pamphlet)
Pamphlet [Printed wraps]
Item Number: 15454
A rare early Churchill speech pamphlet, here in virtually mint condition.
Philosopher and “free-thinker” JOHN MORLEY (1838-1923), the disciple and biographer of Gladstone, exerted a special influence on young Winston Churchill. In particular, Morley educated Churchill about the conditions of the poor in England. On May 13, 1904, in Manchester, Churchill and Morley delivered the speeches reprinted here, in which they attacked the Unionist Party and its leader, Arthur Balfour, for opposing Free Trade. Just two weeks later, on May 31, 1904, Churchill crossed the aisle to join the Liberal party.
This copy of the pamphlet has the numeral “10” hand-stamped in the upper right-hand corner of the title page, as per Churchill bibliographer Ronald Cohen’s note that such copies were unbound from Liberal Publications Department volumes of PAMPHLETS AND LEAFLETS FOR 1904.