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A marvelously reverberant and unusually intimate thank you letter on White House letterhead (8 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches inches), dated June 25, 1938, three years before Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt’s first formal meeting, written to Roosevelt’s uncle, Frederic Delano:
Dear Uncle Fred – Ever so many thanks for Winston Churchill’s book. It will make great reading on the trip. I do wish you could be with us. Affectionately, [Signed in ink, in his hand]: ”FDR.”
The book was ARMS AND THE COVENANT, Churchill’s devastatingly prescient collection of speeches on the Nazi menace, which was published in the United Kingdom on June 24, though copies were available as early as June 9, according to the Cohen bibliography. Imagine the effect these speeches had on FDR, as he read them all in one volume. William Manchester later wrote in Volume 2 of his Winston Churchill biography, THE LAST LION: ALONE, that a copy of the American edition of ARMS AND THE COVENANT, “had lain on President Roosevelt’s bedside table, with key passages, including an analysis of the president’s peace initiative, underscored.”
FREDERIC ADRIAN DELANO (1863-1953) was a former railroad president and philanthropist, whose pioneering urban planning work as Chairman of Chicago’s “Commercial Club” directly influenced his nephew’s New Deal philosophy, leading in 1934, to Delano’s being appointed by FDR to chair the National Planning Board; the first (and only) national planning board America has ever had.
The letter has been very handsomely framed (23 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches overall), matted in a stepped, multi-ply, linen backed mat with vintage postcards of Roosevelt and Churchill; the latter postcard bearing Churchill’s broadcast message to Roosevelt in February 1941: “Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”
Ever so many thanks for Winston Churchill’s book.
8 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches [23 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches overall]
Item Number: 18906
A marvelously reverberant and unusually intimate thank you letter on White House letterhead (8 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches inches), dated June 25, 1938, three years before Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt’s first formal meeting, written to Roosevelt’s uncle, Frederic Delano:
Dear Uncle Fred – Ever so many thanks for Winston Churchill’s book. It will make great reading on the trip. I do wish you could be with us. Affectionately, [Signed in ink, in his hand]: ”FDR.”
The book was ARMS AND THE COVENANT, Churchill’s devastatingly prescient collection of speeches on the Nazi menace, which was published in the United Kingdom on June 24, though copies were available as early as June 9, according to the Cohen bibliography. Imagine the effect these speeches had on FDR, as he read them all in one volume. William Manchester later wrote in Volume 2 of his Winston Churchill biography, THE LAST LION: ALONE, that a copy of the American edition of ARMS AND THE COVENANT, “had lain on President Roosevelt’s bedside table, with key passages, including an analysis of the president’s peace initiative, underscored.”
FREDERIC ADRIAN DELANO (1863-1953) was a former railroad president and philanthropist, whose pioneering urban planning work as Chairman of Chicago’s “Commercial Club” directly influenced his nephew’s New Deal philosophy, leading in 1934, to Delano’s being appointed by FDR to chair the National Planning Board; the first (and only) national planning board America has ever had.
The letter has been very handsomely framed (23 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches overall), matted in a stepped, multi-ply, linen backed mat with vintage postcards of Roosevelt and Churchill; the latter postcard bearing Churchill’s broadcast message to Roosevelt in February 1941: “Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”